MDP February Newsletter - From the Founder

Over twelve million men in the U.S. have some form of male leakage, and managing that drip can feel impossible at times, mentally and physically. After watching three generations of men in my family struggle with this issue, I knew I needed to create a solution for my dad that previously didn’t exist. My name is Ian, and I am the creator of that exact solution, known as MDP.

Male Drip Protection (MDP) is a game-changing product that straps right onto the male anatomy, and is guaranteed to help guys overcome the loss of freedom, confidence, and dignity that often accompanies male leakage. We knew men needed to take their lives back, but creating MDP was just the first step. It started with the product, and now we’re backing it up with more support than ever.

We’ve built a free-to-access website and circulate a monthly newsletter to help guys find all the solutions they need for coping with prostate and urinary issues. Phone lines are available and staffed with men who get what you’re going through, available 24/7. From the latest treatments, products and solutions, MDP is here to make a difference for every man willing to try it, always backed with the support you need.

Whether MDP is right for you, or you need a different solution, we are here to help guys navigate the many options for male incontinence. There’s no risk, only reward—we have a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied and the support is free, so don’t miss this opportunity to reclaim your life and forget about the drip.

If you have an idea for how we can make MDP better, let us know so we can continue to create the best men’s hygiene products right here in the United States. Check out, or call us anytime you need help finding the right solution for you.

Thanks for your support,
Ian Heyman